
This privacy statement applies to any Dappr website, application, service or tool (collectively “Services”) referred to in this privacy statement, regardless of how you access or use them, including via mobile devices. We reserve the right to change this privacy statement at any time by posting the amended version on this site and stating the effective date of this version. We announce substantial changes to this privacy statement via email. This privacy statement is effective from March 1, 2024.

Personal information we collect
We collect personal information from you and the devices (including mobile devices) you use when you use our Services, create an account with us, enter information into a web form, update or add information to your account, or otherwise communicate with us. Third-party parties Nextroll (adroll.com) and Google Analytics may place cookies to provide targeted advertisements and for measurement and analysis purposes.

Personal information you provide when you use our Services or when you register for an account with us:

  • Identifying information such as your name, addresses, telephone numbers or email addresses when you register for an account with us.
  • Other data that you generate or that is connected to your account (such as purchase history, subscription status (active, paused, stopped), or any referrals (tell-a-friend).
  • Financial information (such as credit card or bank account numbers) associated with a transaction.
  • Shipping information, such as name and address, and shipping information.
  • You may also provide us with other information through a web form, updating or adding information to your account, chats, dispute resolution, or when otherwise communicating with us in connection with our Services.

Personal information we collect automatically when you use our Services or register for an account with us:

  • Data about your interactions with our Services, your advertising preferences and your communications with us. This is data we receive from devices (including mobile devices) that you use to access our Service.
  • Computer and connection data such as statistics about your page views, internet traffic to and from the sites, the referring URL, advertising data, your IP address, your browser history and your weblog data.

Personal data we collect with cookies and similar technologies:

  • We use cookies, web beacons, unique identifiers and similar technologies to collect information about the pages you view, the links you click and other actions you take through our Services within our advertisements or emails.
  • For more information about the use and management of these technologies, please see our Cookie Policy.

Personal data we have collected from other sources:

  • We supplement the personal data we collect directly with data we have obtained from third parties and add it to your account information. For example, we collect and use demographic and other information that is publicly available.
  • If you provide us with personal data of someone else, you can only do so after that other person has consented. You serve to inform that other person about how we collect, use, disclose and store his or her personal data in accordance with our privacy statement.

How we use your personal data
If you register for our newsletter, we will use the data required for this or separately provided by you to inform you on the basis of your consent in accordance with Art. 6 paragraph 1 S. 1 lit. a GDPR, to regularly send our e-mail newsletter. Mandatory Textual adjustment Technical adjustment Audit report https://www.dapprcare.com/ 8 2. Data protection and security You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by sending a message to the contact option described below or via a link provided for this purpose in the newsletter is included. After unsubscription, we will delete your email address unless you have expressly consented to further use of your data or we reserve the right to further use data, which is legally permitted and about which we inform you in this statement.

We use the personal data collected for various business purposes and in accordance with various legal bases. Below you will find an overview of how and on what legal bases we use your personal data.

We use your personal data to fulfill a contract with you and to provide our Services, to comply with our legal obligations, to protect your vital interests or where necessary for public order. This includes the following:

  • In connection with payment processing and account management, to operate, assess and improve our Services and to keep our Services secure and operational.
  • To contact you regarding your account, to troubleshoot problems with your account, to resolve a dispute, to collect fees or amounts owed, or as necessary to provide you with customer service.
  • If we contact you for the purposes indicated above, we may do so by email, telephone and/or SMS/text messages.
  • If we contact you by telephone, we may use autodialed or prerecorded calls and text messages, as described in our User Agreement and permitted by applicable law, for efficiency purposes. Messaging and mobile data charges may apply.
  • To provide other Services you request as described when we collect the data.
  • We use general location data to provide location-based services (such as advertising, search results and other personalized content).
  • To prevent, detect, mitigate, and investigate fraud, security breaches, or other potentially prohibited or illegal activities.
  • To enforce our User Agreement, this privacy statement or other policies.

We use your personal data to pursue our legitimate interests where your privacy rights do not take precedence over these interests. We have implemented measures to balance our interests and your rights. This is, for example, the case for:

  • Improve our Services, for example by viewing data related to frozen or crashed pages, which allows us to identify and resolve issues and provide you with a better experience.
  • Personalize, measure and improve our advertising based on your advertising preferences.
  • Hash and share a limited amount of personal data, such as your email address, with social media platforms, such as Facebook, to generate leads, drive traffic to our websites or otherwise promote our products and services. This processing is based on our legitimate interest to undertake marketing activities to offer you products or services that you may find interesting. Dappr has no control over the social media platforms with which we share your personal data. For this reason, you can submit any questions about how your social media provider processes personal data to the relevant provider. We would like to point out that you can always request Dappr to stop processing your data for these marketing purposes by sending an email to hello@dapprcare.com.
  • Contact you via email, SMS, Whatsapp or FB Messenger to offer you discounts and special offers, ask for your opinion via surveys or questionnaires and inform you about our Services.
  • Deliver targeted marketing, service updates and promotional offers based on your communication preferences.
  • Measure the performance of our email marketing campaigns (e.g. by analyzing open and click figures).
  • Monitor and improve the data security of our website and mobile applications.

We may use your personal data with your permission to:

  • Send you offers via emails, SMS or text messages.
  • Provide you with offers from third parties.
  • Customize advertisements you may see on third-party websites.

You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.

We may use technologies that are considered automated decision-making or profiling. We will not make automated decisions about you that would significantly affect you unless such decision is necessary as part of a contract with you, we have your consent or we are required by law to use such technology.

Your choices about how we use your personal data
Communication preferences
You can adjust email communication preferences by sending us an email (see Contact below) or at hello@dapprcare.com.

We use your e-mail address that we obtained in the context of your purchase after your purchase to inform you about our own similar products / services. You can object to this by checking the checkbox in the ordering process or during account registration or by using the unsubscribe option offered in our communications. Your email address will not be provided to third parties.

To advertise
If you do not want to see personalized advertisements, you can disable them through the programs described in our Cookie Statement. The disablement will stop personalized advertising, but not the collection of personal data as described in this privacy statement. We do not allow third parties to track and collect your personal information on our websites for their own advertising purposes without your consent.

Stay logged in
When you log in to our Services with your account, we give you the option to remain logged in to your account for a specified period of time. We recommend that you do not remain logged in if you are using a public or shared computer. Another user of the computer/browser on which you are logged in can view and use most parts of your account and take specific actions during this login period without further authorization. You or another user of this computer/browser can take the following actions:

  • View the My Account page.
  • Place orders
  • Perform after-sales activities, such as canceling orders or filing claims.

If you try to change your password, you may be required to enter your password.

You can end your login session by logging out and/or clearing your cookies. If you have enabled certain privacy settings in your browser, you can also end the login session by closing the browser. If you are using a public or shared computer, when you have finished using our Services, you should log out and/or delete cookies to protect your account and your personal information.

If you choose Klarna, Klarna may, on the basis of its legitimate interest, carry out a credit check itself or pass on the payment data collected for payment processing to an external credit institution. You can object to this at any time.

Your rights
You can exercise the rights described herein by sending an email to hello@dapprcare.com. Please note that we may ask you to verify your identity before taking further action on your request.

Manage your personal data
You can view and update some of your personal data via your Dappr Account. You are responsible for keeping your personal information up to date.

Correction of inaccurate or incomplete information
You have the right to ask us to correct inaccurate or incomplete personal information about you (if you cannot update it yourself through your Dappr Account).

Data access and portability
You have the right to request copies of your personal data in our possession. You also have the right to request copies of personal data that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.

Retention periods
We generally retain your personal data for as long as necessary for the execution of the agreement between you and us and to comply with our legal obligations. If you no longer want us to use your data to provide the Services to you, you can ask us to delete your personal data and close your Dappr Account. Please note the following if you request deletion of your personal data:

  • We may store some of your personal information as necessary for our legitimate business interests, such as fraud detection and prevention and improving security.
  • We may retain and use your personal data as necessary to comply with our legal obligations. For example, we may retain some of your information for tax, legal reporting and audit obligations.
  • Because we maintain the Dappr Platform to protect against accidental or intentional loss and destruction, copies of your personal data may not be deleted from our backup systems for a limited period of time.

Withdraw consent and restrict processing
Where you have given consent to the processing of your personal data to Dappr, you can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us or by sending a communication to hello@dapprcare.com stating which consent you are withdrawing. Please note that withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing activities based on such consent before its withdrawal. In addition, you have the right to request that we limit the ways in which we use your personal information.

Objection to processing
You have the right to ask us not to process your personal information for certain specific purposes (including profiling) where such processing is based on a legitimate interest. If you object to such processing, we will no longer process your personal data for these purposes unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for such processing or such processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

Where your personal information is processed for direct marketing purposes, you can ask Dappr to stop processing your data for these direct marketing purposes at any time by sending an email to hello@dapprcare.com. Submit a complaint You have the right to file a complaint about the data processing by Dappr with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

How we may share your personal data
We may share your personal data with the following parties for the following purposes:

The following service providers and financial partner institutions:

  • Third party service providers who assist us in providing our Services, payment processing services, displaying personalized advertising, preventing, detecting, investigating and mitigating the effects of potentially illegal acts, violations of our User Agreement, fraud and/or breaches of security, payment collection, affiliate and rewards programs, and other business operations.
  • External courier services (e.g. DHL, PostNL) with whom we share your delivery address, contact details and tracking details for the purposes of order delivery and other delivery-related communications.

Judicial authorities, legal proceedings and to the extent permitted by law:

  • To comply with legal requirements, enforce our User Agreement, respond to claims that a listing or other content violates the rights of others, or protect the rights, property, or safety of others.
  • To third parties involved in a legal proceeding, if they have a subpoena, court order or similar legal decision, or if we otherwise believe in good faith that disclosure of information is necessary to prevent imminent physical or financial harm prevent loss or to report suspected illegal activity.

Change of ownership
In the event of a merger with or acquisition by another company, we may share information with them. If this scenario occurs, we will require the new combined entity to adhere to this Privacy Statement with respect to your personal information. If we intend to use your personal data for purposes other than those stated in this privacy statement, you will receive a prior notice of the processing of your personal data for the new purposes.

Retain personal data
Dappr takes the necessary technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against loss or unlawful use. The personal data will be retained for as long as necessary for the purposes described in this privacy policy or as necessary to comply with laws and regulations and to resolve disputes.

How long we keep your personal data
Dappr takes the necessary technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against loss or unlawful use. The personal data will be retained for as long as necessary for the purposes described in this privacy policy or as necessary to comply with laws and regulations and to resolve disputes. The following factors generally influence the retention period:

  • How long is the personal data necessary to provide our Services? This relates to matters such as maintaining and improving the performance of our products, keeping our systems secure and maintaining appropriate financial and business documentation. This is the general rule that forms the basis for most of our retention periods.
  • Are the personal data sensitive? If this is the case, a shortened retention period is usually appropriate
  • Have you given permission for a longer retention period? If this is the case, we will hold your data in accordance with your consent.
  • Is there a legal, contractual or similar obligation to retain your personal data?

When it is no longer necessary to keep your personal data, we will delete it securely, in accordance with our data retention and deletion policies.

The Dappr legal entity you contract with is your data controller together with Dappr BV, Singel 1, 1012VC Amsterdam, and is responsible for the collection, use, sharing, retention and protection of your personal data in accordance with applicable regulations.

Operating internationally
To facilitate our operations, we may transfer, store and process your information within our family of companies or service providers located in Europe, India, Asia and North America. Laws in these countries may differ from the laws applicable to your country of residence. For example, information collected in the EEA may be transferred, stored and processed outside the EEA for the purposes described in this privacy policy. When we store and/or process your personal data outside the EEA, we have put in place appropriate safeguards to ensure an adequate level of data protection.

We continuously implement and update administrative, technical and physical security measures to protect your information against unauthorized access, loss, destruction or modification. Some of the safeguards we use to protect your information include firewalls, data encryption, and information access controls. If you know or have reason to believe that your Dappr Account login details have been lost, stolen, misappropriated or otherwise compromised or in the event of actual or suspected unauthorized use of your Dappr Account, please contact us – see the Contact section below .

Other important privacy information
Communication tools
We may automatically scan messages and check for spam, viruses, phishing and other malicious activity, illegal or prohibited content, or violations of our User Agreement, this privacy statement or other policy documents.

Privacy implementations of third parties
This privacy statement focuses only on our use and processing of personal data that we collect about you to provide our Services. If you disclose the information to a third party or visit a third party website via a link from our Services, their privacy statement and implementation will apply to any personal information you provide to them or that they collect through us. We cannot guarantee the privacy or security of information you provide to third parties. We therefore encourage you to carefully read and review the privacy and security policies of third parties before entering into a transaction and sharing your information.

If you have any questions, please contact: hello@dapprcare.com